An ECFS Productions Original Podcast: Cinema Spectator is a film history podcast that takes away the pretense that usually comes along with learning about film. Each week, we tackle a "classic" of film history but do these films actually hold up for a modern audience? Can they entertain someone who grew up on Spider-Man reboots and Jim Carrey movies, or will they forever be relics of a bygone era?
Tuesday Nov 05, 2024
Moneyball (2011)
Tuesday Nov 05, 2024
Tuesday Nov 05, 2024
Get ready for a grand slam of an episode, because our bases our loaded with a special guest: Kaleb Tuttle. Kaleb is a prolific film and television watcher, sports fan, and Aaron Sorkin devotee, which is why he's the perfect expert to bring on for this episode. Moneyball (2011) is film about statistics battling the human element, and what makes a game like baseball so romantic. Starring Brad Pitt and Jonah Hill, the film swings for the fences and might even win over some non-baseball fans in the process.
Cinema Spectator is a movie podcast hosted by Isaac Ransom and Cameron Tuttle, with frequent appearances from film expert Juzo Greenwood. The show is executive produced by Darrin O’Neill and recorded & produced in the San Francisco Bay Area, CA. You can support the show at patreon.com/ecfsproductions. Follow us on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter under ECFS Productions (@ecfsproductions). Isaac and Cameron started recording podcasts with their first project, Everything Comes from Something (2018), and are now focusing on new weekly content for Cinema Spectator. Cameron Tuttle is a full-time professional cinematographer who majored at SFSU Film School to collaborate with corporate, private, and creative productions. Cameron is the expert. Isaac Ransom is a professional creative, digital marketer, and product manager working full-time. Isaac is the student. The podcast is a passion project between two longtime friends; we hope you can enjoy our project with the limited time we have! Thank you for your time, your generosity, and support.
Tuesday Oct 29, 2024
The Babadook (2014)
Tuesday Oct 29, 2024
Tuesday Oct 29, 2024
Finishing off Horror Month is The Babadook (2014), which takes on the terror of grief and loneliness. This small scale story of a single mother and a disobedient son takes a much quieter approach to monster-horror movies and delivers something more introspective.
Cinema Spectator is a movie podcast hosted by Isaac Ransom and Cameron Tuttle, with frequent appearances from film expert Juzo Greenwood. The show is executive produced by Darrin O’Neill and recorded & produced in the San Francisco Bay Area, CA. You can support the show at patreon.com/ecfsproductions. Follow us on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter under ECFS Productions (@ecfsproductions). Isaac and Cameron started recording podcasts with their first project, Everything Comes from Something (2018), and are now focusing on new weekly content for Cinema Spectator. Cameron Tuttle is a full-time professional cinematographer who majored at SFSU Film School to collaborate with corporate, private, and creative productions. Cameron is the expert. Isaac Ransom is a professional creative, digital marketer, and product manager working full-time. Isaac is the student. The podcast is a passion project between two longtime friends; we hope you can enjoy our project with the limited time we have! Thank you for your time, your generosity, and support.
Tuesday Oct 22, 2024
The Fly (1986)
Tuesday Oct 22, 2024
Tuesday Oct 22, 2024
Cameron, Isaac, and Juzo are back to discuss this 80's horror classic, David Cronenberg's The Fly (1986). Jeff Goldblum stars as the eccentric scientist attempting to perfect teleportation, as well as trying to romance the skeptical journalist Geena Davis. Through his experiments, he finds out that some experiments are irreversible.
Cinema Spectator is a movie podcast hosted by Isaac Ransom and Cameron Tuttle, with frequent appearances from film expert Juzo Greenwood. The show is executive produced by Darrin O’Neill and recorded & produced in the San Francisco Bay Area, CA. You can support the show at patreon.com/ecfsproductions. Follow us on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter under ECFS Productions (@ecfsproductions). Isaac and Cameron started recording podcasts with their first project, Everything Comes from Something (2018), and are now focusing on new weekly content for Cinema Spectator. Cameron Tuttle is a full-time professional cinematographer who majored at SFSU Film School to collaborate with corporate, private, and creative productions. Cameron is the expert. Isaac Ransom is a professional creative, digital marketer, and product manager working full-time. Isaac is the student. The podcast is a passion project between two longtime friends; we hope you can enjoy our project with the limited time we have! Thank you for your time, your generosity, and support.
Monday Oct 14, 2024
The Witch (2015)
Monday Oct 14, 2024
Monday Oct 14, 2024
Robert Eggars' debut feature The Witch (2015) is a slow, contemplative movie about the inner workings of an exiled protestant family in the 1630s. Plagued by poor harvest and unusual happenings, they wonder if they are cursed... or are bringing it on themselves. Cameron and Juzo talk about this innovative horror movie that has surely become a modern classic.
Cinema Spectator is a movie podcast hosted by Isaac Ransom and Cameron Tuttle, with frequent appearances from film expert Juzo Greenwood. The show is executive produced by Darrin O’Neill and recorded & produced in the San Francisco Bay Area, CA. You can support the show at patreon.com/ecfsproductions. Follow us on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter under ECFS Productions (@ecfsproductions). Isaac and Cameron started recording podcasts with their first project, Everything Comes from Something (2018), and are now focusing on new weekly content for Cinema Spectator. Cameron Tuttle is a full-time professional cinematographer who majored at SFSU Film School to collaborate with corporate, private, and creative productions. Cameron is the expert. Isaac Ransom is a professional creative, digital marketer, and product manager working full-time. Isaac is the student. The podcast is a passion project between two longtime friends; we hope you can enjoy our project with the limited time we have! Thank you for your time, your generosity, and support.
Tuesday Oct 08, 2024
Megalopolis (2024)
Tuesday Oct 08, 2024
Tuesday Oct 08, 2024
Sorry for the curveball, but this movie is just too weird and too interesting not to talk about. Megalopolis is the latest Francis Ford Coppola epic about.... well, let's just say it's one of the most unique film experiences of our lifetime. An aged director, coming back from a 13 year hiatus, making a dream project he's been wanting to make for decades. Not to mention the extraordinary budget and even worse critical and commercial success. Cameron and Juzo discuss the confusing, hilarious, and inane musings of Francis Ford Coppola's Megalopolis (2024).
Cinema Spectator is a movie podcast hosted by Isaac Ransom and Cameron Tuttle, with frequent appearances from film expert Juzo Greenwood. The show is executive produced by Darrin O’Neill and recorded & produced in the San Francisco Bay Area, CA. You can support the show at patreon.com/ecfsproductions. Follow us on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter under ECFS Productions (@ecfsproductions). Isaac and Cameron started recording podcasts with their first project, Everything Comes from Something (2018), and are now focusing on new weekly content for Cinema Spectator. Cameron Tuttle is a full-time professional cinematographer who majored at SFSU Film School to collaborate with corporate, private, and creative productions. Cameron is the expert. Isaac Ransom is a professional creative, digital marketer, and product manager working full-time. Isaac is the student. The podcast is a passion project between two longtime friends; we hope you can enjoy our project with the limited time we have! Thank you for your time, your generosity, and support.
Tuesday Oct 01, 2024
Signs (2002)
Tuesday Oct 01, 2024
Tuesday Oct 01, 2024
Isaac, Juzo, and Cameron begin horror month with Signs (2002), directed by M. Night Shyamalan. Starring Mel Gibson and Joaquin Phoenix, this suspenseful thriller follows a former priest as mysterious crop circles appear on his family’s farm. With tense moments, thought-provoking themes, and Shyamalan's signature creativity, the hosts debate how Signs holds up as a modern thriller and a deeper classic. Prepare for the October spooks with this week's programming!
Cinema Spectator is a movie podcast hosted by Isaac Ransom and Cameron Tuttle, with frequent appearances from film expert Juzo Greenwood. The show is executive produced by Darrin O’Neill and recorded & produced in the San Francisco Bay Area, CA. You can support the show at patreon.com/ecfsproductions. Follow us on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter under ECFS Productions (@ecfsproductions). Isaac and Cameron started recording podcasts with their first project, Everything Comes from Something (2018), and are now focusing on new weekly content for Cinema Spectator. Cameron Tuttle is a full-time professional cinematographer who majored at SFSU Film School to collaborate with corporate, private, and creative productions. Cameron is the expert. Isaac Ransom is a professional creative, digital marketer, and product manager working full-time. Isaac is the student. The podcast is a passion project between two longtime friends; we hope you can enjoy our project with the limited time we have! Thank you for your time, your generosity, and support.
Tuesday Sep 24, 2024
Dog Day Afternoon (1975)
Tuesday Sep 24, 2024
Tuesday Sep 24, 2024
A bank robbery gone wrong turns into a panicked and sweaty hostage situation in this Lumet classic, Dog Day Afternoon (1975). Al Pacino puts in an all-time great performance as the high-strung, charasmatic, and a little unhinged bank robber, Sonny Wortzik, as he fumbles the robbery but attempts to make a clean escape by negotiating with the NYPD. Based on a true story, this one location spectacle is a directing masterclass with incredible performances by Pacino and John Cazale. Join, Cameron, Isaac, and Juzo as they delve into this true classic.
Cinema Spectator is a movie podcast hosted by Isaac Ransom and Cameron Tuttle, with frequent appearances from film expert Juzo Greenwood. The show is executive produced by Darrin O’Neill and recorded & produced in the San Francisco Bay Area, CA. You can support the show at patreon.com/ecfsproductions. Follow us on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter under ECFS Productions (@ecfsproductions). Isaac and Cameron started recording podcasts with their first project, Everything Comes from Something (2018), and are now focusing on new weekly content for Cinema Spectator. Cameron Tuttle is a full-time professional cinematographer who majored at SFSU Film School to collaborate with corporate, private, and creative productions. Cameron is the expert. Isaac Ransom is a professional creative, digital marketer, and product manager working full-time. Isaac is the student. The podcast is a passion project between two longtime friends; we hope you can enjoy our project with the limited time we have! Thank you for your time, your generosity, and support.
Tuesday Sep 17, 2024
The Hill (1965)
Tuesday Sep 17, 2024
Tuesday Sep 17, 2024
The Hill is a brutal depiction of cruelty and masochism in British military prisons during World War II. The film follows a disgraced Sergeant Major Roberts (Sean Connery) as he fights through the corruption and brutality of his captivity in North Africa. He must learn to follow the rules of the guards or be subject to punishments including "the Hill".
Cinema Spectator is a movie podcast hosted by Isaac Ransom and Cameron Tuttle, with frequent appearances from film expert Juzo Greenwood. The show is executive produced by Darrin O’Neill and recorded & produced in the San Francisco Bay Area, CA. You can support the show at patreon.com/ecfsproductions. Follow us on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter under ECFS Productions (@ecfsproductions). Isaac and Cameron started recording podcasts with their first project, Everything Comes from Something (2018), and are now focusing on new weekly content for Cinema Spectator. Cameron Tuttle is a full-time professional cinematographer who majored at SFSU Film School to collaborate with corporate, private, and creative productions. Cameron is the expert. Isaac Ransom is a professional creative, digital marketer, and product manager working full-time. Isaac is the student. The podcast is a passion project between two longtime friends; we hope you can enjoy our project with the limited time we have! Thank you for your time, your generosity, and support.
Tuesday Sep 10, 2024
Fail Safe (1964)
Tuesday Sep 10, 2024
Tuesday Sep 10, 2024
Sydney Lumet's Fail Safe (1964) is time capsule of nuclear paranoia, and a powerful allegory for the dangers of technology getting out of hand. Starring Henry Fonda as the President put in an unwinnable situation, he only has so long to stop a deadly nuclear accident. In order to stop the chain of events that increasingly seem inevitable, he must make some disturbing choices, and ask who's lives are worth sacrificing.
Cinema Spectator is a movie podcast hosted by Isaac Ransom and Cameron Tuttle, with frequent appearances from film expert Juzo Greenwood. The show is executive produced by Darrin O’Neill and recorded & produced in the San Francisco Bay Area, CA. You can support the show at patreon.com/ecfsproductions. Follow us on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter under ECFS Productions (@ecfsproductions). Isaac and Cameron started recording podcasts with their first project, Everything Comes from Something (2018), and are now focusing on new weekly content for Cinema Spectator. Cameron Tuttle is a full-time professional cinematographer who majored at SFSU Film School to collaborate with corporate, private, and creative productions. Cameron is the expert. Isaac Ransom is a professional creative, digital marketer, and product manager working full-time. Isaac is the student. The podcast is a passion project between two longtime friends; we hope you can enjoy our project with the limited time we have! Thank you for your time, your generosity, and support.
Tuesday Sep 03, 2024
12 Angry Men (1957)
Tuesday Sep 03, 2024
Tuesday Sep 03, 2024
12 Angry Men is not only a classic film, but one that has influenced the justice system for decades since its release. In this episode, Cameron, Juzo, and Isaac kick off Sidney Lumet month by tackling his debut film, 12 Angry Men. It also happens to be considered to be one of the greatest films of all time, and is one that has left an enormous impact on the modern audience.
Cinema Spectator is a movie podcast hosted by Isaac Ransom and Cameron Tuttle, with frequent appearances from film expert Juzo Greenwood. The show is executive produced by Darrin O’Neill and recorded & produced in the San Francisco Bay Area, CA. You can support the show at patreon.com/ecfsproductions. Follow us on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter under ECFS Productions (@ecfsproductions). Isaac and Cameron started recording podcasts with their first project, Everything Comes from Something (2018), and are now focusing on new weekly content for Cinema Spectator. Cameron Tuttle is a full-time professional cinematographer who majored at SFSU Film School to collaborate with corporate, private, and creative productions. Cameron is the expert. Isaac Ransom is a professional creative, digital marketer, and product manager working full-time. Isaac is the student. The podcast is a passion project between two longtime friends; we hope you can enjoy our project with the limited time we have! Thank you for your time, your generosity, and support.